What Really Matters?!
Jun 28, 2023What Really Matters?!
This is a question I am always asking myself.
Every time I do, this inquiry takes me deeper into what feels like a dark space, but only for a short while.
There is mystery in there.
We see the pieces to our life but question how they fit until we begin to make sense of them and connect the dots.
I am often asked, Tracey, how are you so connected with your true self? How do you make stepping into your new self image look effortless?
I consciously and intentionally choose where I want to put my energy.
If you have been hanging around me for a while you are familiar with my signature of…
TRY it, LOVE it, LIVE it
What this really means is, I see life as an experiment.
When I created GET OUT OF HER DAMN WAY it was from necessity.
On this journey of serving women the past 18 months, I have realized that I am the same as you.
We all need a reason to WAKE UP!
For me, I looked at my life, my family, my relationships, my business, my marriage, my health and my finances as average.
It was time to stop accepting that this current status was OK.
I was ready to live consciously. To find harmony in all parts of my life. And I knew this would bring me the clarity I was looking for.
Have you checked out the powerful GET OUT OF HER DAMN WAY community?
Get Out of Her Damn Way! A Group for Ambitious Women | Tracey Lee Living
Every woman has a voice that is meant to be heard.
Every woman has ideas that are meant to come to life.
Every woman has a unique gift this world is waiting for.
Let’s RISE UP together and not waste another hour, day, week, month, year or decade.
See YOU inside the group!
TRY it, LOVE it, LIVE it
xo Tracey Lee
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