Why I Chose to Coach Women
Jun 28, 2023
Why Women?
Recently I've been asked why I chose to coach women.
The simplest answer is I relate to them best. Makes sense right? But it goes further than that.
I truly believe we are the peacemakers and change makers of this world. We are meant to come together as a collective, and rise up together to shift the paradigms that we have accepted and let create our reality.
I am willing to do what it takes, one woman at a time who is ready to step into their greatness and shine their light, regardless of their fears.
I know this is hard because it was for me. But once we bring understanding to the fears we face they don’t feel so scary any more.
And this is the moment the lightbulb goes off and together we stand a little taller, use our voices a little wiser and trust our intuition that we are meant to trust. Not the one that is influenced by others.
So this is why I do what I do. I am here for a very important mission just like all of you.
I may be a Women Empowerment Coach but hear this….
I don’t empower you.
I guide you to create your own blueprint to empower yourself.
And that my friend is how you create the life long impactful change in your own life, and everyone you connect with.
Join my group of ambitious women here to make serious mountain moving change in Get Out of Her Damn Way! A Group for Ambitious Women | Tracey Lee Living
TRY it, LOVE it, LIVE it
xo Tracey Lee
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